Signature Offerings

We provide a number of signature offerings but are always excited to collaborate with you or your organization to provide something that meets your specific needs.

Regardless of the offering, participants can expect their work with us to be interactive, conversational, and characterized by warm compassion and deep challenge. We do not do the work for you. We create a space for exploration, provide resources, and facilitate conversation and reflection, while you commit to courageous, curious self-inquiry and engagement with others.

Equity from the Inside Out

Best suited for: anyone

This offering is designed as an introduction to our signature Model for Inner Reckoning. Participants engage in self-reflection and courageous conversation about the various dimensions of who they are and how they reckon with systems of power so that they can pursue the work of equity with self-compassion and confidence.

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Assessment & Plan

Best suited for: anyone

The IDI is a psychometric assessment tool that measures intercultural competence—the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities. We work with you to complete the assessment and build a personalized growth plan with concrete steps you can take to develop your intercultural competency skills. The IDI can be completed individually or as a group.

Allyship & Advocacy in the Workplace

Best suited for: White folks

If you have made a commitment to build and sustain equity in your professional life but feel you lack the practical know-how, this offering is for you. In this full-day workshop, we provide space and guidance as you engage in courageous conversation about your own intercultural competencies, the culture of your workplace, and the challenges of lending meaningful support to colleagues and co-workers from marginalized communities. By the end of the day you will have practical tools to better amplify the voices and perspectives in your workplace that might otherwise be unheard as well as the resources and language needed to educate others in your organization to do the same.

No White Saviors

Best suited for: White folks working in community serving organizations

Explore the ways in which you show up in your community and community organizations and be prepared to dig deep and answer questions about how you "do the work." We guide you through a reflection on the characteristics of white supremacy culture and prepare you to learn more about how to support community needs from a mutual aid perspective.

Faith in Whiteness

Best suited for: predominantly White faith communities

Religious commitments and values are often a motivating force for people engaged in the work of racial justice and advocacy. Yet predominantly white religious institutions inevitably replicate the patterns and practices of white supremacy and undermine progressive movement. This offering challenges participants to explore how white supremacy shows up in their faith communities and what, if anything, can be done to make worship spaces and services and congregational life welcoming and inclusive for a diverse population.

This offering can be customized to fit specific denominational groups or to grapple with particular religious texts.

White Apologies

Best suited for: White folks

Meaningful apologies require us to examine the root cause of our actions and for white folks this means reckoning with our own internalized racism. This offering challenges participants to face the ways we—white people—make mistakes despite our best intentions and learn how to apologize in ways that foster repair rather than perpetuating further harm.

Book Club Facilitation

Best suited for: anyone

Reading the book is the first step, but how do you talk about all the important messages and concepts? Let us guide your book club discussion and help you navigate difficult questions and deep conversation. We can also collaborate with you on book club choices and discussion question preparation.

Wooden ladder rests against a tall shelf full of books

Customized Offerings

Interested in a combination of these offerings or something else? We work with organizations to design transformational experiences that meet the needs of their people. In addition to the above offerings, we design and facilitate:

  • Topical workshops, in-person and online

  • Listening sessions

  • Retreats from half-day to multi-day

  • Cross-cultural encounters



We collaborate with our clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to commit more effectively to practices that build and ensure equity in their personal and professional lives. We have designed a powerful and effective method of inner reckoning that empowers individuals to gain insight into their intercultural competencies, identify their own areas for growth, and build the personal awareness necessary for creating meaningful change. Change starts from the inside out and we serve as a source of support and accountability every step of the way.

Just as we are convinced that the external work of racial and social justice cannot be done well or effectively if white people and those in other privileged positions have not done their own “internal“ work, we also believe that the work of organizational transformation simply cannot be outsourced. Leaders of organizations must do their own internal work in order for cultural change to happen throughout an organization. This is our specialty. There are many valuable trainings in bias awareness, talent management, Titles VI, VII, and IX, etc. If these fit your organizational needs, we can point you toward excellent resources. If you are ready as an organization to start at a more foundational level, then reach out to us for a conversation.

Professional woman stands at a whiteboard with a marker in her hand